Yahaya Bello dumps Deputy Governor, picks new running mate

Yahaya Bello dumps Deputy Governor, picks new running mate

Kogi state Governor, Yahaya Bello, has picked his Chief of Staff, Edward Onoja, as his running mate for the November 16 governorship election.

This comes months after he had a public fallout with his Deputy, Simon Achuba.

Bello submitted Onoja’s name to the leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC), during his trip to Abuja last week.

One of his aides confirmed this development to DAILY POST in a brief exchange of messages.

When asked if the Governor had picked Onoja, he simply replied: “Yes”, before providing a link one of the social media pages of the Chief of Staff.

Bello emerged as the APC’s flagbearer almost two weeks ago.

He won the primary conducted in Lokoja, the state capital on Thursday by 3,127 votes.

A total of 3,596 delegates were accredited.