Porn Sites Cash In On COVID-19 By Posting Videos Featuring People Having Sex With Face Masks

Porn Sites Cash In On COVID-19 By Posting Videos Featuring People Having Sex With Face Masks

In an attempt to milk profits from the coronavirus outbreak, porn sites are now posting films that feature people having sex in hamazat suits, face masks and hospital gowns.

The twisted new trend has videos titled ‘Deserted Wuhan’ and ‘TSA Agent Detains Woman Suspected of Coronavirus’ among others appearing on adult sites.

The sex scenes take place in what looks like medical facilities.

Speaking about the trend to Vice, the male half of porn duo Spicy x Rice who feature in some of the coronavirus videos said:

“I think people are attracted to COVID-19 themed porn the same way people who are scared of their shadow are attached to horror movies: We are all searching for things that make us come alive.”

He added:

“COVID-19 is something that brings fear and mystery to pretty much everyone in the world right now… You need to be able to feel something, and what better way to make you feel something than the global crisis we are all in right now.”

Spicy believes that their videos contain key information on how to prevent the spread of the disease and were made with the intention to educate people.

‘We thought we would use our porn as an avenue to get some legitimate information out with some comic relief included to get people interested and reduce our chances of being banned,’ he told the publication.

He added that the couple knew people who were ‘stuck in Wuhan’ and insisted that they ‘made the video with them in mind.’

The videos come despite the virus that emerged in China late last year infecting 95,000 people in more than 80 countries and causing over 3,200 deaths

The video is coming on the heels of Italy considering a ban on the traditional Italian greeting of kissing each other on the cheek as part of draconian emergency measures which have seen the country close all schools and universities until at least March 15.